Products » Design Service

Lightning Protection International Pty Ltd offers an inhouse design service producing customised direct strike lightning protection, earthing, and other lightnig protection designs.

As a member of the AutoDesk Developer Network, LPI has been able to leverage the AutoCAD .NET API to create a powerful AutoCAD plugin which quickly analyses 3D solid models. This software capability allows LPI to confirm that a direct strike lightning protection design is fully compliant with the selected standard, and is able to clearly highlight any areas of a structure which may not be protected under that standard.

LPI is able to offer:

  • Customised design for each project
  • Full risk assessment in accordance with the relevant standard
  • Accurate, efficient, and cost effective design
  • Rolling sphere design compliant with AS/NZ 1768 and EN 62305
  • Compliance with other international standards such as NFC 17-102
  • PDF output including a 3D view of the site, bill of materials and generic specifications